1) Sun Salutation
The Sun Salutation is a series of poses that are designed to warm up, stretch and energize. The flow also helps to connect your breath with movement and encourages feelings of strength, lightness, and focus. There are several variations on how you can perform a Sun Salutation, so be sure to read each description carefully before beginning.
2) Warrior Pose
Standing tall with legs together, hold your arms in front of you with elbows bent at a 90-degree angle. Raise your hands and exhale as you bend forward while simultaneously pushing your hips back; lean down until your torso is parallel to the floor. To come out of the pose, inhale as you press into a standing position and straighten your arms while lowering your head. Hold for 15 seconds on each side.
3) Triangle Pose
Triangle Pose (Trikonasana) is a dynamic pose that emphasizes flexibility in your lower back and hip joints, plus it’s a wonderful stretch for your hamstrings. Done properly, it can be extremely beneficial for weight loss and improving body composition. Here’s how to do it: Begin standing at the front of your mat with your feet together. Position right foot next to the left thigh, pointing toes toward the floor. With hands placed on the waist, extend right arm up toward the ceiling; gaze upward.
4) Half Moon Pose
This is one of my favorite yoga poses because it opens up and stretches your shoulders, chest, hips, and legs while giving you a nice core burn. Half Moon Pose also helps give you more stability in your balance so that you don’t stumble as much when coming out of Downward Facing Dog.
5) Plank Pose
Lie on your stomach with your legs and arms extended, palms down. Tuck your toes under, lift off of your mat, and hold the position for five deep breaths. This is a gentle pose that can be practiced by anyone looking to improve their core strength, but especially helpful for those trying to lose weight as it works out abdominal muscles.
6) Revolved Plank Pose
In Revolved Plank Pose, you alternate which foot is forward. Rather than balancing on one foot in a standing forward bend, Revolved Plank Pose has you supporting your weight on your forearms while lifting one leg up and balancing on one foot. This pose is best for people who are not so flexible that they can do a full Forward Fold Pose with comfort. Your body should feel long, strong, and powerful in Revolved Plank Pose.
7) Bow Pose (Dhanurasana/Bow Pulling Pose)
As a gentle stretching pose, dhanurasana is quite effective at increasing flexibility in your chest, shoulders, and upper back. To get into position, lie on your stomach and bring your legs together. Grab both of your ankles or feet with each hand and then stretch through both arms as you pull yourself up so that you are resting on your belly. You can do a variation of the bow pose by grabbing onto a wall or pole with each hand instead of holding onto your ankles or feet.