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Top 10 Rare animals on the earth how can we protect animals?


Top 10 Rare animals on the earth how can we protect animals?

How can we protect endangered animals
endangered animals name

By Zahid Shafique

April, 25,2021

No.1   Vaquita

One of the world’s most endangered marine animals form in the Gulf of California is a pint-size porpoise known as the vaquita.

 Scientists judge that there are only about ten left.

Why are vaquita's dying?
Vaquitas are dying since of illegal fishing, which is the reason behind they are close to extinction.


No.2 White lion

 (1) There are only about shorter than 13 White Lions living in the wild. 
So by reading this, you could accept how rare are white lions?

 (2) Normally, lions have golden-colored eyes, but white lions have blue eyes, which is rare.

 (3) Currently, there are no rules to protect White lions before they are wiped out from the world.

 (4) White lions have golden chromosomes, which causes them to have less melanin than other common lions.

And now you will query, what melanin is?
It is a dark pigment that depends on skin, hair, fur, and eyes.
And rudeness to them will result in the wrath of God.


No.3  Hainan Gibbons

(1) The Hainan gibbon are the world's golden ape and one of the world's golden mammals.
 They sleep in the tree and take a rest in the part of the branches.

(2) With a total public of only 30 individuals because they lost their natural habitat due to part down trees and being hunted for medicinal purposes.

 So, in my opinion, we should stop hunting and illegal take to keep alive our nature's beautiful animals as they are just gifts of nature given to us.

(3) What do Hainan gibbons food?

Hainan gibbons eat mostly bear fruit. They have rich figs and also enjoy lychee fruits. Young leaves, seeds, flowers, and rare insect snacks are added to their diet.

(4) Are gibbons dangerous?

The gibbons are very gentle, and whenever you meet them, they will grip your hand.
They are not dangerous, but when they are at risk or when they think their family members are in danger, they make booming- voices to warn of intruders.

Fun fact :
 Are they intelligent?
Gibbons are highly intelligent mammals as they can realize themselves in the mirror. So unique, Nah?
Also, they can speak via various songs.

No.4  Javan rhinoceroses 

 There are only about 67 Javan rhinoceroses left in the wild, making them so golden and one of the critically endangered animals on the earth.

Do you know why rhinos are being killed or hunted?

Because of this, the rhino horn is made from keratin - a group protein found in fingernails and hair in the human, and the product is falsely said to help treat cancer when consumed in its powder form. 
There are no show medicinal benefits in humans.

Why are the Javan rhinos hunted for?

Trophy hunters killed Javan rhinos in colonial times. 

Is it right to kill animals for fun?

And hang them on the wall to indicate that they have money and power, killing animals just because they can.

They were also murder as agricultural pests and a highly prized tradition in Asian medicine for their horn.

What do they eat?

They eat a different group of plants, and specifically, they eat the shoot, offshoot, and the fallen fruit of the plant. 

No.5  Amur leopard

From where did they got their name?
Amur leopards can be found in the highland forests of eastern Russia and northern China.
Named after the Amur River, a body of water that runs along the border of both farmland, these cats adjust well to this harsh environment. And from Amur River, they got their name.

With only around 100 men left in the wild, the Amur leopard could be the most endangered large cat on Earth.
They are now conserved, and it also shows a hopeful effect on the Amur leopard's habitat and population.

They are such beautiful animals present on Earth, but sadly, they are now critically endangered.
They were also on the verge of death because of poaching, poaching of their prey, loss of habitat, and deforestation.

No.6  Addax antelope 

They belong to one of the family trees of antelope.
Addax populations in the wild have been drop since 2012. It is now judged that only 100 individuals remain.

The type is now on the verge of extinction due to poaching and increased human showing in that particular area.

No.7  Sumatran-Tiger

The Sumatran Tigers have a unique gift of nature in that they are more bearded than any other known subspecies of tigers present on the earth.

 I am unhappy saying about their population because there are about 400 Sumatran-tigers left in the wild.

The Sumatran tiger is the smallest and black tiger subspecies and more bearded than the other subspecies. Male tigers can reach 120kg and 8ft from head to tail, whereas females whose average weight is 91kg and 7ft in length.

What do they eat?
They eat almost all from big to small, including fish, monkeys, wild bears, tapirs, deers, and more animals.

No.8  Scimitar-horned oryx

What do they eat?
Scimitar-horned oryx food grasses, herbs, juicy roots, and vegetate. Acacia seedpods (A pouch-like form on a plant that closes in the seeds) provide essential nutrients for mothers with young calves.

Wild Melons and the offshoot and shoots of Capparis are essential sources of moisture.

How many of them are left in the wild?

The IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) has said that they believe only other than 1800 Scimitar-horned oryx left in the world.

No.9  Tapanuli orangutan

The Tapanuli orangutan (Pongo tapanuliensis) is a species of orangutan which are poky to South Tapanuli in the island of Sumatra in Indonesia.

There are only 800 individuals left in the world, which shapes them critically endangered species.
There are critically endangered because of hunting, illegal wildlife dealing, and habitat destruction.

Where do they live?

The Tapanuli orangutans are dependent on the Batang Toru ecosystem's forested uplands in northern Sumatra in Indonesia.

These forests are also home to more rare and endangered species. It is one of three known types of orangutans.

What do they eat?

​The Tapanuli orangutan's diet eats many fruit, leaves, saplings, shoot, and small insects. 

Fun Fact: This is the only species known to eat pinecones and caterpillars.


No.10  White deer

If you see a white buck in nature, you are blessed and charmed in life because, in many places, including Native Americans and Celts, the white stag symbolizes inner renewal.

These white deers are extremely rare, and they are set up in 1 in 20,000.
And now you will think that why I had stayed this animal in 10th position,
Well, because this animal has more population than any other types of animals attending in this list.

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