"zone name","placement name","placement id","code (direct link)" mrsnohith.blogspot.com,Popunder_1,19012949,"" mrsnohith.blogspot.com,SocialBar_1,19013024,"" Top 5 intresting things no one knows about fingerprints.

Top 5 intresting things no one knows about fingerprints.


1- It shows family relationships

Studies show that the same family members have some degree of similarity in their palm and sole fingerprint patterns.

The current research states that in the family, husband and wife have the most distinct fingerprints.

Father, son fingerprint similarity is higher than father-daughter fingerprint similarity.

But in the mother's case, mother-daughter dermatoglyphic pattern similarity is higher than mother-son similarity.


this might suggest some genetic thread between mother-daughter and father-son, but it is still yet not proven, though studies are coming along well


2- It has excellent crime-solving potential

There was a time when fingerprints were considered the best evidence in crime scenes, but today, a single strand of hair or similar belonging to the suspect can solve the case due to the advent of DNA analysis.

Before the arrival of DNA analysis, police and crime-solving units collected fingerprints from the crime scene to identify the culprit. Though outdated, it still is effective when there is a lack of genetic material. The automated fingerprint identification system (AFIS) makes it possible to search and compare millions of fingerprints daily electronically.

In the digital age, organizations like the FBI fingerprint system contain more than 40 million people’s fingerprints. A suspect's prints can be identified within two hours.


3-Fingerprints helps to identify if a person is LEFT or RIGHT handed

People believe someone being left-handed is learned through experience, but fingerprints say they don't.

Numerous studies show left-handers have similar fingerprints(standard features) compared to right-handers. This means you are a right-hander or left-hander is determined before birth.

It breaks a taboo that left-handed people are competent to do so; the fact is its simple genetics.


Left-handers have an increased number of arches and whorls in their fingers compared to righties. To know more about arches and whorls, check this link out(https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.alamy.com%2Fstock-photo%2Fwhorl-fingerprint.html&psig=AOvVaw1jROV3rUQr_5qZ3mNq2ac0&ust=1632081634572000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAsQjRxqFwoTCIi76ImoifMCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD)

Another exciting piece of information is the chances of a female left-hander being a homosexual is high compared to the right-handers. 


4-Fingerprints can show possibilities of Hypertension

Again studies in dermatoglyphics have shown that certain fingerprint pattern holders are more prone to hypertension compared to others.

These unique fingerprints could develop hypertension later on in life. Scientists believe it is somehow connected with the fetal development of fingerprints. Some genetic factors are involved in the causing of hypertension, and it is possible to predict from fingerprints, individuals' chances of acquiring hypertension.


5- Fingerprints can explain rape tendency.

When scientists studied the fingerprints of repeated sex offenders, they were shocked to find that the fingerprints had remarkable similarities compared to criminals of ordinary crimes.

This study proves that repeated sexual offense can be a genetic disorder considering our fingerprints were formed before birth.


If you want to know more about fingerprints, check these out

M. Sengupta, B. Karmakar: Genetics of Dermatoglyphics Asymmetry in Vaidyas of West Bengal volume 78, 2006.
Sen. Jeff Bingaman: The fingerprint controversy 2004.
A.K. Bhalla, R.K. Marwaha, et al.: Finger and PalmarDermatoglyphics in Beta-Thalassemia Patients Volume XLV Number Spring 2005.
Brian S. Mustanski, J. Michael Bailey, and Sarah Kaspar Dermatoglyphics, Handedness, Sex, and Sexual Orientation 2002.

Suzanne King et al.: Prenatal maternal stress from a natural disaster predicts dermatoglyphic asymmetry in humans 2009.
Rudragouda.S. Bulagouda, Purnima J Patil: Study of palmar dermatoglyphics in patients with essential hypertension between the age group 20-50 years, Volume 2 2013.
K H Gustavson, K Modrzewska, K E Sjoquist: Dermatoglyphics in individuals with asocial behavior, Upsala journal 99 2010

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